Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Globetrotters Get Chilly

Conferences are on Friday! Portfolios were sent home yesterday. Please take the time to go over your child's work with them before conferences. Bring portfolios to conference.

Kids are having a great time reading on RAZ Kids. To visit this site at home go to and click the log in tab. Our teacher username is cselementary.

Today the weather is cooperating with our study of Antarctica! In social studies students did a sequencing activity with penguins, we have also played some fun penguin trivia games. In science students used the scientific method to discover what effect cold has on our reflexes.

In math both classes continue working on time. Give your child opportunities to read clocks at home. Reading digital and analog clocks is a skill that takes time and lots of practice. The more exposure the better!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Time is On Our Side!

We have decided to change our schedules a little. Each morning students will start with journal writing with their homeroom teacher. We have changed show and share to Friday mornings from 8:45 - 9:10. This frees our original show and share times up for literacy.

 In science and social studies we continue to study Antarctica. In social studies students are studying cause and effect in relation to living in Antarctica. In science we are learning about different kinds of penguins.

In math both classes are working on time. Kids are learning to tell time to the hour, quarter hour, half hour, and three quarters of an hour.

In literacy both classes are working on Dolch sight words and reading fluency. Katie's class is also working on the writing process and are working on paragraphs about winter break.  Students in Keri's class will be bringing home words to sort into categories so check your child's folder daily.

Tomorrow your child will be choosing a penguin poem to memorize at home. They will present them next Thursday afternoon. Not only will this help with confidence, it will also help prepare students for Poetry Day in Upper Elementary. 

We are in need of paper towels, spoons, and forks.  If you are in Katie's class please send in a small box of plastic utensils. If you are in Keri's class please send in a roll of paper towels.

We encourage children to only bring toys to school for show and share. If your child chooses to bring something for show and share, please make sure they understand that often when things are brought to school they can be lost or broken. It is a good idea not to bring items that special and/or valuable.

Tomorrow at 1:15 we will be walking over to Talmadge Hall at Hollins for our Martin Luther King, Jr. Award Ceremony.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Compasses Please

Katie would like to borrow some compasses for a classroom project. If you have one you are willing to share please send it in.  Thanks!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pajama Day!!!

Pajama Day has been rescheduled for Friday, January 7th! We will still being playing outside so make sure your child's p.j.s are warm enough.

Since we have moved onto Antarctica, we will be offering March of the Penguins and Happy Feet. Kids can chose which movie they would like to see.